Eukaryota (eucaryotes) 30/78

Acanthamoebidae (Acanthopod forming amoeba)

Acanthamoeba (Amoeboid protists: ubiquitous--soil, water, air, poles to tropics)

Comandonia (Freshwater amoeba having cysts with pores closed by a flap)

Acantharea (Free-floating marine protists with mineral skeletons that includes strontium)

Arthracanthida (Acantharea having radial spines with pyramidal bases packed together)

Chaunacanthida (Acantharea having 20 radial spines articulated at bases)

Symphyacanthida (Acantharea having 20 radial spines fused into a star-like structure)

Alveolata (Protists having small vesicles or alveoli in or just under the plama membrane)

Apicomplexa (Apicomplexans: parasites such as Plasmodium that causes malaria)

Ciliophora (Ciliates, mostly free-living aquatic predators, e.g. Paramecium, )

Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellates: mostly marine photosynthetic plankton)

Ellobiopsidae (Ellobiopsids: bizarre multinucleate parasites)

Perkinsea (Spore forming parasites of animals)

Apusomonadidae (Apusomonads: gliding biflagellated bacteria-eating protists)

Amastigomonas (Front flagella encased in sheath, fresh water and marine)

Apusomonas (Front flagella emerges from a stalk, common in soil world-wide)

Centroheliozoa (Centrohelids: round bodied protists with stiff radiating arms)

Cercozoa (Protozoans: amoebae and flagellates that feed by means of filose pseudopods)

Cercomonadida (Cercomonads: heterotrophic amoeboflagellates)

Chlorarachniophyceae (Chlorarachniophytes: marine amoebae containing green plastids)

Desmothoracida (Desmothoracids: with perforated skeletons composed of chitin)

Euglyphida (Testate amoebae with secreted siliceous scales)

Gromiidae (Round, thick, firm, with rod-like radial structure)

Phaeodarea (Common type of amoeboid protozoa having a phaeodium)

Thaumatomonadida (Silica scale producing flagellates)

Cryptophyta (Cryptomonads: photosynthetic planktonic protists with two flagellae)

Diplomonadida group (Heterotrophic flagellates with no mitochondria)

Carpediemonas (Anaerobic zooflagellate)

Diplomonadida (Diplomonads: have two nuclei, e.g. Giardia)

Retortamonadidae (Retortamonads: flagellates that live in the digestive tract of vertebrates)

Entamoebidae (Intestinal ameobae, a few are disease causing)

Endolimax (Non-pathogenic amoeba present in your intestine)

Entamoeba (Includes parasitic ameobae that kill about 100,000 people a year)

Euglenozoa (Mostly unicellular flagellates, some having chloroplasts)

Diplonemida (Diplonemids: free-living flagellates)

Euglenida (Euglenids, photosynthetic flagellates, e.g. Euglena)

Kinetoplastida (Kinetoplasts, having mitochondrial granules near the base of the flagellum)

Fungi/Metazoa group (Fungi and animals)

Choanoflagellida (Collar flagellates: have one flagellum surrounded by a siliceous collar)

Fungi (Fungi: mushrooms, molds, rusts, mildew, smut, yeasts)

Metazoa (Metazoans: multicellular animals from sponges to vertebrates like you)

Glaucocystophyceae (Glaucocystophytes: primative freshwater algae)

Granuloreticulosea (Amoeboid protists having granular cytoplasm and pseudopodia)

Athalamea (Granuloreticulosea that lack a test or shell)

Foraminifera (Foraminifers: have shells from 60 microns to 12 cm, common in deep sea mud)

Haplosporidia (Sporozoan parasites of mostly marine invertebrates)

Haptophyceae (Prymnesiophytes: marine flagellates, most with chlorophyll)

Heterolobosea (Heterotrophic amoebae, amoebo-flagellates, flagellates, and cellular slime molds)

Acrasida (Cellular slime molds producing spores on stalks)

Schizopyrenida (Heterolobosea that do not produce fruiting bodies)

Jakobidae (Protist flagellates with two flagella and having primative mitochondria)

Lobosea (Amoebae with lobose pseudopods, e.g. Amoeba proteus)

Malawimonadidae (Small bacterivorous zooflagellates found in Malawi)

Mycetozoa (Slime molds: free-living cells can assemble into giant gelatinous slugs)

Dictyosteliida (Dictyostelid cellular slime molds)

Hyperamoeba (Amoeboid slime molds)

Myxogastria (Plasmodial slime molds)

Protostelida (Protostelids: flagellated mycetozoans)

Nucleariidae (Amoeboid protists with fine pseudopodia found in soil and freshwater)

Oxymonadida (Oxymonads: mostly flagellates living in the intestines of termites)

Parabasalidea (Parabasalids: mostly flagellated protozoa living in the gut of insects)

Paramyxea (Parasitic heterotrophic protists often found in the gut of marine invertebrates)

Pelobiontida (Pelobionts: primative protists, mostly uniflagellated and lacking mitochondria)

Plasmodiophorida (Plasmodiophorids: mostly parasitic plant protists)

Polycystinea (Marine protists: radiolaria a skeleton of silica)

Rhodophyta (Red algae, one or multicellular up to 1 meter with chloroplasts containing red phycobilins)

Bangiophyceae (Simple forms; filaments and blades, one to two cells thick)

Florideophyceae (Diverse forms from filaments to large leaf-like structures)

Goniotrichales (Branched or unbranched filaments, mostly minute epiphytes on larger algae)

Stramenopiles (Heterokonts, diverse group of tubulocristate protists)

Actinophryidae ('Sun animalcule,' round with ray-like structures)

Bacillariophyta (Diatoms: have silica frustules)

Bicosoecida (Bicosoecids: one-celled heterokonts with two flagella)

Blastocystis (Anaerobic protozoan parasites of the large intestine)

Bolidophyceae (Picoplanktonic algal-like protist related to diatoms)

Chrysophyceae (Golden algae: mostly freshwater)

Developayella (Free-swimming marine biflagellates)

Dictyochophyceae (Silicoflagellates: free-living, most are photosynthetic)

Eustigmatophyceae (Eustigmatophytes: mostly soil algae, some marine picoplankton)

Hyphochytriomycetes (Fungal-like, not photosynthetic)

Oomycetes (Water molds, not photosynthetic)

Pelagophyceae (Pelagophytes: brown tide algae)

Phaeophyceae (Brown algae: marine macrophytes in cold waters)

Phaeothamniophyceae (Small branched multicellular filamentous freshwater algae)

Pinguiophyceae (Oil algae: produce large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids)

Placididea (Marine flagellate)

Raphidophyceae (Raphidophytes: unicellular with apical flagella)

Slopalinida (Flagellates most living in the intestines of cold-blooded vertebrates)

Xanthophyceae (Yellowgreen algae: mostly multicellular)

Viridiplantae (Green algae and plants)

Chlorophyta (Green algae)

Prasinophytes (Small flagellated marine picoplankton)

Streptophyta (Green plants)