50 States
and Capitals

By Ryan Lee
(Note: Ryan is now 18 (2011); he skipped high school,
started college full-time at 13, graduated at 17. As Leonardo da Vinci
noted, all things are possible "for the price of an effort." —Dad)
I have made free flashcards for all of the states of the United States. I also made cards for the U.S. territories, Washington D.C., and the U.S.A. From this site, you can download free and helpful cards plus games and do puzzles.
WARNING! This site is not free.
The stuff on it is. If you want to copy this site, please send $999 payable only in $3 bills. (Just kidding.)
The flashcards are in two Microsoft Word files. Download and save each of them. Print one side, turn the pages over, put them back into your printer in the right order, and print the other side. Then, cut them out and test them on somebody. My Papaw (grandfather) made some really nice cards by printing each page separately and then gluing them to a third piece before cutting the cards out. He then put some talcum power on them to make them slicker.
Right Click here and select "Save Target as" to download the front side.
Right Click here and select "Save Target as" to download the back side.
Sample: Front of card

Back of card

As you can see, I put the flag on the front side. Some of the flags had their state name on them, so you could just look at the flag and see the name of the state. To not give away the name of the state, I had to make the name on the flag unreadable if there was a name on it.
Click here for free fun state GAMES!
My name is Ryan Lee. I am 10 years old and live in St. David, Arizona. I am in 5th grade. My teacher wanted the class to learn all of the states and capitals. I did this project because I thought it would help me and other people who wanted to learn the states.
This project took over 2 months, so I hope you really like it.

50 States Flashcards: Busybee Publishing
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