Software for P2P File Sharing
BitTorrents: Download and install uTorrent. This is free software.
The eDonkey/Kad networks: Download and install eMule. This is free software.
Gnutella network: Download and install Frostwire, its free.
PeerBlock (again free).
Software for File Conversion and Editing
Since there is currently no clear winner in the area of compressed ebook file format (Mobipocket is close), it is probably best to collect .html versions of documents. These are uncompressed and may have a bunch of graphic files accociated with them that should go together in a folder, but these, text and graphics, are editable and convertable to anything else including any format that may come along in the future. PDF files are difficult to edit and tend not to convert well to other formats, requiring extensive reformating. Again, converting them to .html is your best choice. There are a number of free html editors but I haven't tried most since I use Dreamweaver. The open source editor KompoZer looks like it might be a good choice.
ABC LIT Converter is free and converts all those .lit files to .html (.pdf etc) for convertion to .prc or whatever.
Open Office loads most any type of text file (.doc, .rtf, etc) and can save as .pdf if that's what you want, and it's free.
The Mobipocket Reader not only reads, but by a simple drag and drop, it converts many files to .prc format. The down side is the files are bloated and not that well formatted. Mobipocket does offer Mobipocket Creator (free) that does a better job converting to .prc format, but it is not quick or easy. Mobigen is a command line converter that may be able to do batch conversions—haven't tried it yet. I haven't found a .prc to .html batch converter, which is a major reason not to convert/archive to this format (without also archiving the html version).
Due to the difficulty of converting .pdf files, many converters have come along to tackle the job. Someone needs to investigate and try them out to recommend one for use. What is needed is batch conversion to html that creates the best formatted files. If a file was orginally created as a .pdf, then archive that as some future converter may do a better job of converting it.
I use Bulk Rename Utility to do extensive renaming of files and folders.
The program Folder Size is useful for finding and removing empty folders.
A frequent need is to check for duplicate files—I use Duplicate Cleaner.
For managing your library of ebooks and converting to various formats, Calibre is the one.
Gutenmark is a Project Gutenberg txt reformating program that converts plain txt files to html. Batch conversion is possible, so creating html version of all PG ebooks is feasible (there are over 21,000 books in English, 9000 are already available in html and most new books have html version, so once the books scanned in the early years are converted, few additional conversions will be needed to have and maintain an all html collection of PG books. Gutensplit is a command line program, included in the GUI version, that takes large html ebooks, breaks them up into chapters, and can add a table of contents with links. If you then created a Mobipocket version, it should have the table of contents included.